Helsingin yliopisto / Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Introduction to programming: Reading Suggestions

(Last update 27.10.2003)

The course is based on a Finnish book:

To help foreign students, there will be a cumulative weekly list of pages in the book

The book can be found in the library of the department and in the Course Book Library

The contents of the book do not match exactly to the contents of the course.

The following lists, what you should read in Lewis-Loftus for next week's excercises:

  1. 11.9 (only one lecture): pages: 2-5, 34-36, 44-52, 54-58
  2. 18.9: pages 37-43, 76-82 (only types int, double, boolean), 86, 89-102, 183-186, the tool for reading class Lue.java,
  3. 25.9: pages 102-106, 194-198, 134-140
  4. 2.10: pages 121-124, 131-149, 152-155
  5. 9.10: (again 121-124, 131-149), 152-155, a little about char and String 77-78, 125-128, ...
  6. 16.10: 77-78 (char), 125-128 (String), 208-232, 473-477, and a little of the idea of sorting in 464-470
  7. 23.10: 473-477, more about those pages above; using char[]-arrays
  8. 27.10: (revision of the material)

The reading schedule in autumn 2002

  1. week 12.9: pages: 2-5, 34-36, 44-52, 54-58, 37-43
  2. week 19.9: 76-82 (only types int, double, boolean), 86, 89-102, 183-186, the tool for reading class Lue.java
  3. week 26.9: pages 102-106, 194-198, 134-140
  4. week 3.10: This week is a little problematic: We start using methods in an 'old fashioned' way, which is not covered in the book! Anyhow a 'near match' is 134-140. We also started with classes and objects, pages 121-124, 131-149, 152-155
  5. week 10.10: (again 121-124, 131-149), 152-155, a little about char and String 77-78, 125-128, ...
  6. week 17.10: 77-78 (char), 125-128 (String), 208-232, 464-470, 473-477
  7. week 24.10: more about those pages above; using char[]-arrays
  8. week 30.10:

A tool for reading input can be found in page http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/wikla/JohdOhj/Sisalto/2/EngKiLu.html