Publications and reports

  • Kutvonen, L., Overview of the DRYAD trading system implementation. To appear in the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Platforms, February 1996.

  • Kutvonen, P., Kutvonen, L., Measured performance of a special-purpose database engine for distributed system software. To appear in Computer Communications Journal, January 1996.

  • Kutvonen, P., Kutvonen, L., Achieving interoperability through ODP Trading function. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS'95), Arizona, April 1995, Publ. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 63-69.

  • Kutvonen, L., Supporting transition to open, heterogeneous computing environment. Proceedings of TINA'95: International Telecommunications and Distributed Computing - from Concepts to Reality, Melbourne, February 1995, Publ. IEEE Society Press, pp. 55-66.

  • Kutvonen, L., Kutvonen, P., Broadening the User Environment with Implicit Trading, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 International Conference on Open Distributed Processing, Berlin, Germany, 13-16 September, 1993, Publ. North-Holland, pp. 157-168.

  • Kekkonen, S., Korkiakoski, J., Partanen, R., Siivola, V., Vepsäläinen, H., Arttu - Dryad-meklarin graafinen käyttöliittymä (Artemis - A graphical browser for DRYAD trader). Project exersice. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. June 1993. C-1993-43.

  • Hatakka, J., Hyvätti, J., Koskinen, I., Liljeberg, M., Moilanen, M., Ylitalo, J., Nereid - Dryad-meklarin ylläpitosovellus (Nereid - A management tool for DRYAD). Project exercise. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. October 1993. C-1993-69.

  • Venetjoki, T., Meklareiden yhteistoiminta ja sen toteutus DRYAD-projektissa (Cooperating traders and implementation in DRYAD project). MSc Thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. April 1994. C-1994-25.

  • Yrjänäinen, V.-M., Portieri Dryad-meklarin toteutuksessa (About fault tolerance and traders). MSc Thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. April 1994. C-1994-22.

  • Kutvonen, L., Federation transparency in ODP Trading function. Techical Report. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. May 1994. C-1994-32.

  • Kutvonen, L., Comparison of the DRYAD trading system to ODP Trading function draft. Technical report. Department of Computer Science, Univeristy of Helsinki. October, 1994. C-1994-51.

  • Vidman, K., Kuorman hajauttamisen liittäminen meklariin ja meklarin tietopalvelija hajautetussa ympäristössä (Utilizing a trader in load sharing). MSc Thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. July 1995. C-1995-.

  • Björklund, T., Integration and maintenance of DRYAD trading software. Project exercise. Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. October(?) 1995. C-1995-.
    October 10, 1995 Lea Kutvonen