Programming in C (self study)

Kurssilla opitaan ohjelmoimaan standardin mukaisella C-kielellä. Esitietoina oletetaan Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit sekä Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Ohjelmointi. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä viikolla ja ne tehdään ohjelmointipajassa. Kurssiin ei enää liity harjoitustyötä, vaan pajatyöskentely sisältää sekä harjoitukset että harjoitustyön. Kurssilla oletetaan, että jokaisella on käytössä jokin C-oppikirja, esim. Müldner, T.: C for Java Programmers, Addison-Wesley, 2000, tai Kernighan B.W. & Ritchie D.M.: The C Programming Language (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, 1988. (ANSI C edition).


08.05.2015 09.00 A111
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2015 kevät 09.03-01.05. 4-4 Englanti Tiina Niklander


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ti 14-16 A111 Tiina Niklander 10.03.2015-10.03.2015


[NOTE 2: The course now be visible to all students. You may progress to the next module only when you have doen 80% of the previous module. Recommended pace is to do one module per week.]

[NOTE 1: The course in not visible to all students. These will be correct on Wed 11.3.  The link to Aalto pages has been corrected to match the material and the exercises together.]

Paja guidance in BK107 (alapaja) on Thursdays 26.3., 9.4., 16.4. and 23.4. at 14.15-15.45 by Jaakko Hannikainen.

This is a self-study version of last Fall's course. You can find detailed information from the Fall course.


More information on the course will be published here after the FIRST AND ONLY meeting on Tuesday 10.3.

Kurssin suorittaminen

The course material, exercises and exam questions will be provided in English.


Finnish (or Swedish)-speaking students who want the questions in Finnish (or Swedish) must contant the teacher at least one week before the exam.



Course will be graded based on the TMC accepted submissions (60%) and the course exam (40%). In order to pass the course, you must get at least half of the exam points.

Kirjallisuus ja materiaali

Startup lecture's slides will appear here after the meeting.

On-line course material is available from Aalto's web pages: (Do not submit your exercises in the Aalto system!)

As a course book you can use for example the classic book Kernighan&Ritchie: C programming language or a book that has been used earlier on this course Müldner : C for Java programmer. There are several other good quality C course books available, so you just need to get access to one of them!

Exercises are available via our MOOC system The name of this course is k2015-cee. You must use your student ID as your username in the system. Information about how to create your account is available from the Fall's course pages.

Although the TMS does not enforce deadlines for the modules. The modules are planned to be done in a pace of one module per week. So the soft deadlines for the modules are:

Module 1  done by  Wed 18.3

Module 2 done by Wed 25.3

Module 3 done by Wed 8.4 (after Easter)

Module 4 done by Wed 15.4

Module 5 done by Wed 22.4

Module 6 done by Wed 29.4

You can also discuss all course related issues with other students in the IRC channel #cee.  (Instructor will not be monitoring the channel continuously, but tries to pop in once a week.)