Intermediate Studies Project: Network Programming

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
In this project students develop a small-scale distributed application as a practical exercise to learn hands-on skills in designing and implementing TCP/IP networking applications in a Unix environment. Pre-requisites: Network Programming course is a strict requirement.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2015 kevät 09.03-01.05. 4-4 Englanti Markku Kojo


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 14-16 B119 Laila Daniel 09.03.2015-16.03.2015

The first meeting on Mon 9th of March is mandatory!


In this project, students develop a small-scale distributed application as a practical exercise to learn hands-on skills in designing and implementing TCP/IP networking applications in a Unix environment.

Pre-requisites: Network Programming course is a strict requirement. Those actively attending Network Programming course now in Spring 2015 may, of course, register to the Network Programming Project.


Kurssin suorittaminen

The project work starts and project topics are distributed in a kick-off session to be held on Mon March 9, 2015 at 14-16 o'clock (room B119).

Next common session discussing the requirements and advice on writing the design document is on Monday March 16, 2015 at 14-16 o' clock (room B119).

After the kick-off session instructor is available until May 4, 2015 as agreed in the kick-off session. More details available in the kick-off session.


(Tentative) Deadlines:

Detailed description of the Project Task due on March 16. 2015

Programming Project design document due on April 1, 2015

Comments on the design document(s) due on April 10, 2015

Programming Project due on May 4, 2015


Kirjallisuus ja materiaali