Intensive course on population genetics

Syventävät opinnot
Within the course we will first cover a set of basic concepts of evolutionary and population genetics theory. Then we will move on to more complex evolutionary scenarios (e.g. time-dependent selection, game-theoretic selection and evolution under linkage). In the second half of the course we apply the concepts and methods introduced in lectures I and II to real biological data sets.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2011 kesä 29.08-31.08. 6-6 Englanti


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 14-16 B222 Ville Mustonen 29.08.2011-31.08.2011
Ma 10-12 B222 Ville Mustonen 29.08.2011-31.08.2011
Ma 16-18 B221 Ville Mustonen 29.08.2011-31.08.2011
Ke 14-16 B222 Ville Mustonen 29.08.2011-31.08.2011
Ke 10-12 B222 Ville Mustonen 29.08.2011-31.08.2011
Ke 16-18 B221 Ville Mustonen 29.08.2011-31.08.2011


Lecture material can be found here.