582681 Interface Technologies

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 What are interface technologies  Having used computer tools before, programming experience  Have an idea of different types of interface technologies  Have a understanding of different categories of interface technologies   Comprehensive knowledge of different categories and history and development of interface technology
 Learn one of these technologies: Multitouch and surface interfaces , proximity and gestures, mobile and sensor interaction Having used the technology before, programming experience   Knowledge to be able to set up and configure the technology as a system   Have knowledge and capability to develop an application using the technology Have knowledge and capability to extend with a feature the technology 
Learning new and ever changing interface technologies  Having used different interface technologies Have a basic knowledge of the process to set up, run, experiment with interface technologies  Have a good knowledge of the process in learning new interface technologies to develop with those  Have a knowledge and competence in how to learn a new interface technologies and extend them
Selection of interface technologies Having used different interface technologies  Have knowledge of how to select for use different interface technologies Have knowledge of how to select for development a interface technology   Have knowledge of how to select for extension from different interface technologies
27.01.2012 - 11:13 Giulio Jacucci
27.01.2012 - 10:25 Giulio Jacucci