Seminar on Game AI

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Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2014 kevät 13.01-21.04. 3-4 Englanti Tomi Pasanen


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 14-16 C220 Tomi Pasanen 13.01.2014-17.02.2014
Ma 14-16 C220 Tomi Pasanen 10.03.2014-21.04.2014


One of the most important application areas for computational intelligence or artificial intelligence is digital games. Empirical research on games has brought new insight to applicability of known techniques while revising and even introducing new artificial intelligence techniques. The participants of the seminar can select their topics from the journal like The IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG) or conference called Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE), but also own topic is possible by contacting and agreeing the topic with the instructor.

Guidelines of the seminar are the classical ones: each week one participant makes a presentation (45 minutes) for others and in the end a report (10-15 pages) is returned for evaluation.

Evaluation is based both on presentations and reports. Reports are evaluated anonymously so that each participant evaluates others works by using grades 2, 4, and 5 (each grade has to be used at least once) and the final grade of a report is the average of the grades the report gets. The presentations are evaluated by the instructor with scale {-1, 0, 1} which is added to the report's evaluation resulting into the final grade of the seminar.

It is good to remember that a written report and an oral presentation have partly different goals.

In a presentation, the central ideas and thoughts of the content are explained with simplification used if needed for the sake of comprehension. A good presentation includes a bunch of examples for depicting, visualising, and demonstrating the topic, and only some important technical details are chosen to be presented. The time limit, 45 minutes, has to be taken seriously when choosing which technical details to present.

In a reports, the emphasis is more on accuracy and scientific expression. Quite often, reports are an extended abstracts of resources used, where selections have to be done. The chosen topic has to be write out in details while others needs only short references. The length of the reports is 10 to 15 pages. The more figures the longer.

Kurssin suorittaminen

  • Let the deadline for returning reports (pdf form) be Sunday 27 April, upload your report to Moodle
  • Let the deadline for evaluation be Sunday 4 May, send your evaluation by email to Tomi