Annual Report 2009

Annual Report 2009

Distributed systems and data communication

The present trend in computing and applications leads from distributed applications to more loosely-coupled networked computing solutions. In this development, the Internet forms a kind of common backbone for  building distributed and networking solutions at multiple levels of abstraction (e.g., data communication, distributed applications, networked business). The subprogramme of Distributed systems and data communication thus addresses several focus areas: The theme around Future Internet studies the global architecture of this backbone, especially considering the needs of mobile users. Secondly, various types of middlewares and software platforms provide the computing environment for information processing. Further, special conceptual needs arise from inter-enterprise computing. The theme around service interoperability focuses on global business services and business networks, and the supporting infrastructure facilities for social and business networks and communities.

The sub-programme educates experts and strategic renovators of global architectures.

Contact persopn: Lea Kutvonen