582317 Linux-ylläpito (ohtk 25.8.2011)

Main themes Prerequisites Approaches learning objectives Reaches learning objectives Deepens learning objectives

Installation and configuration of a Linux workstation. The different components of the Linux OS, component tasks and their interrelations: the kernel, libraries, daemons and GUI. Reading and writing shell scripts. User accounts, access control and their management.

The tasks and structure of the OS, programming ability, dynamically linked software libraries.

Can install a Linux OS. Knows the different component tasks. Can install, remove and manage a systems' software packages using package repositories. Can read most common shell scripts. Can manage user accounts.

Can configure and administer the different components of a system. Can use access control lists. Can read and modify shell scripts.

Can build and modify software packages. Can independently automate administrative tasks by writing shell scripts.

Administration and configuration of hardware and device drivers: storage systems, audio and video, wired and wireless network interfaces.

Computer architecture: buses, chipsets, device drivers, storage systems, paging. LAN architecture.

Can identify existing chipsets and find and install required drivers. Can format and configure storage systems and network interfaces.

Can identify and solve typical problems with hardware and drivers. Can install, configure, and administer fault-tolerant and scalable storage systems.

Can use modern, centralized storage systems. Can chose and administer the hardware of a data center. Can maintain fault tolerant virtualization environments.

Installation, configuration, and administration of network services: certificates, web-based services, databases, file systems, printing. Administration and usage of virtual servers.

LAN architecture. HTTP protocol. SQL and implementation of simple database applications.


Can read and install certificates. Can install and configure Linux-based network services.

Can create and sign certificates. Can configure and administer the necessary Linux-based LAN services for an organization. Can solve typical network service problems.


Can automate administation tasks of a network services environment. Can plan and configure fault-tolerant network services spanning multiple organizations.

Configuration and administration of network infrastructure. Routing, firewalls, DHCP and DNS services. Tunneling. Diagnosis of network faults.

IPv4 packets and basics of network routing. General understanding about the DHCP and DNS protocols. 

Can understand how routing, firewalls, and LANs work in a Linux environment.

Can fluently read firewall rules, routing tables, and DNS records. Can configure tunneling services and client programs. Can use diagnosis tools for network fault analysis.


Can automate fault-tolerant network infrastructure services.


05.09.2011 - 18:08 Mikko A T Pervilä
05.09.2011 - 18:04 Mikko A T Pervilä