
Software Systems
Intermediate studies
Kurssia ei voi suorittaa erilliskokeella.
Year Semester Date Period Language In charge
2013 autumn 21.10-25.10. 1-1 Finnish Juhana Laurinharju

Exercise groups

Group: 1
Time Room Instructor Date Observe
Tue 10-16 B221 Juhana Laurinharju 21.10.2013—25.10.2013
Mon 10-16 B221 Juhana Laurinharju 21.10.2013—25.10.2013
Fri 10-16 B221 Juhana Laurinharju 21.10.2013—25.10.2013
Thu 10-16 B221 Juhana Laurinharju 21.10.2013—25.10.2013
Wed 10-16 B221 Juhana Laurinharju 21.10.2013—25.10.2013

Information for international students

This course teaches the basics of functional programming with Clojure. The course consists of exercises returned remotely. There is a workshop (PAJA) classroom available if you get stuck. The material is available at You can start working on the exercises before the course, but they can only be returned when the course starts.

You get credits based on the amount of exercises you complete. The amount of exercises needed for a given amount of credits will roughly be the following:

  • 2 credits for 70 exercise points
  • 3 credits for 100 exercise points
  • 4 credits for 127 exercise points

The exact amounts will be published when the course starts.

The deadline for the exercises is at 23:59 on Sunday 27th.

Give feedback:


Kurssilla opetellaan funktionaalista ohjelmointia Clojurella. Kurssi suoritetaan tehtäviä tekemällä. Kurssilla on tarjolla pajaa.  Materiaali löytyy osoitteesta Tehtäviä voi alkaa halutessaan tekemään jo ennen kurssin alkua, mutta ne voi palauttaa vasta kurssin alettua.