Learning Objective Matrix

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The interactive systems design process

Common interaction styles, GUI, WIMP concepts.

Can list the basic goals of interactive systems design.

Can describe the key features of user-centred design.

Can explain the concepts of Needfinding

Can list traditional techniques for Needfinding

Can explain the concept of "Persona".

Can explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative evaluation

Can explain the challenges involved in designing a user study

Can design and evaluate an interactive system

Can design and evaluate a state-of-the-art interactive system

Input and sensor technologies

Properties of basic input technologies

Can explain the difference between position and motion sensing devices.

Can outline the number of input dimensions for different devices. 

Can explain the difference between indirect and direct input devices.

Can describe the problem of occlusion. 

Can outline the basic features of pointing, keyboards and multitouch devices. 

Can describe active and passive feedback. 

Can list the different properties that can be sensed by different sensors.   

Can explain the concepts of device acquisition time and homing time. 

Can describe the Fitts law evaluation method 

Can explain how different camera-based technologies work

Can provide examples of different sensor-based techniques

Can describe additional input device metrics e.g. footprint, sampling rates, resolution.

Can describe the Steering law evaluation method 

Can provide examples of multitouch systems in research. 

Can explain classification and modeling.

Prototyping and usability testing  

Can describe the manifestation and filtering dimensions of prototypes.

Can explain the difference between offline and online prototypes

Can describe formative and summative evaluation strategies.

Can explain the difference between quantitive and qualitative methods. 

Can describe the advantages and disadvantages of prototype evolution.

Can list different prototyping tools.

Can describe evaluation criterion.

Can explain methods of logging and tracking during prototype evaluations.   

Can describe inferential statistical analysis methods.

Multimodal interaction  

Can list the different categories of gestural input.

Can describe the basic properties of sound and touch.

Can outline the basic features of non-speech audio in interfaces.

Can describe the purpose of crossmodal interaction.

Can provide examples of multi-modal interaction tecniques in research

Interactive System paradigms – Crowdsourcing, Physiological Computing General history of HCI

Can provide examples of systems built with a collective effort.

Can define Crowdsourcing and Physiological Computing. 

Can give examples of interactive crowsourcing systems.

Can give example of applications of physiological computing. 

Can provide examples of current crowsourcing and physiological computing systems in research.



23.05.2016 - 08:40 Salvatore Andolina
28.10.2015 - 15:10 Webmaster