MBI - Personal study plan

Personal study plan

A new MBI student should make a personal study plan during the first period of studies.

Here we give a generic timetable for studies starting fall 2013. You will get a study plan template in the orientation session 30.8. You should now make a formal two-year plan and for that, assume that the teaching curriculum in 2014-2015 is as it is now for 2013-2014. However, there are probably new advanced bioinformatics course(s) later. In addition, you will receive information about bio-courses (especially in Meilahti-campus) during your studies. Time schedules are not yet known.

This generic schedule is based on an official assumption that each period should contain ~15 cr so that 120 cr can be collected during two years. However, the second study year is especially for master thesis and it is a good idea to collect more that 60 cr during the first study year.


First year

Period I
Algorithms for bioinformatics 4 cr
Biometry and bioinformatics I 2-5 cr
Molecular genetics reading group 2 cr (for students with no background molecular biology studies)
Biometry and bioinformatics II, 5-10 cr (5 cr, the other, optional, 5 cr during II period)
Academic Writing for Students in English-Medium Master's Degree Programmes 1, 2 cr (or take this later)
Other relevant studies, for example biology lectures from Viikki, courses in statistics, mathematics, computer science

Period II
Biometry and bioinformatics III, 5-10 cr (this is the compulsory "Statistical genetics"; 5cr, the other, optional 5 cr during III period)
Introduction to machine learning 4 cr (or take this in 2. year of studies)
Markovian modelling and Bayesian learning 5 cr (or take this in 2. year of studies)
Other relevant studies; for example biology lectures in Meilahti and Viikki, courses in statistics, mathematics, computer science

Period III
Biological sequence analysis, 4 cr
Seminar 3 cr
Other relevant studies in bio, stat, math, comp sci

Period IV
Academic Writing for Students in English-Medium Master's Degree Programmes 2, 2 cr

Other relevant studies in bio, stat, math, comp sci.

Advanced internship 3 cr

Second Year

Period I
Optional courses in bioinformatics
Other relevant studies in bio, stat, math, comp sci.
Seminar 3 cr

Period II-IV
Master's thesis, 40 cr