The Guard Jaeger Regiment will be training on the Kumpula campus 30.11-2.12 2015.

The Guard Jaeger Regiment will be training for various search and apprehension cases on the Kumpula campus between the 30th November and 2nd December 2015. Most of the training will be carried out at night, but there may be some army-related activity in the area during the day, as well. Some blanks and signal shots may be fired during the exercises.

The training of the Jaeger Regiment is part of the armed forces’ normal training and exercises. It bears no relation to the University of Helsinki or recent events.

For more details, please contact Captain Ilkka Kuusisto of the Guard Jaeger Regiment, phone 02994 21712, or the university’s Chief of Security Mikko Savela, phone 02941 22318,

17.11.2015 - 16:48 Pauliina M J Pajunen
17.11.2015 - 16:46 Pauliina M J Pajunen