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Collaborative and Interoperable Computing (CINCO)

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Collaborative and Interoperable Computing

The CINCO group is developing infrastructure services for inter-enterprise collaboration support. The aim is to create support for concepts and processes needed by business management and service consumers. As the conceptual bridge can be overcome, the software-supported services can become more satisfactory. In addition, as the major architecturel revolution and renovation is passed, the cost of getting involved in a new business network or social ecosystem becomes radically lower.


  • TBT - Trusted business transactions, 3 year program funded by Academy of Finland
  • SOAMeS - Service oriented architecture for multichannel e-Services
  • InterOp NoE - Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software (Network of Excellence); continued as INTEROP VLAB
  • TUBE - trust management

The group is led by Lea Kutvonen.

29.09.2010 - 14:40 Lea Kutvonen
17.06.2010 - 15:43 Tiina Niklander
17.06.2010 - 15:43 Niklander