Processing of structured documents, Session 3 (10.-11.2.)

  1. Study the XML Schema design issue "Global versus Local" on the site XML Schemas: Best practices (The MITRE Corporation and the xml-dev list group) . Describe briefly what is meant with "Russian Doll Design", "Salami Slice Design", and "Venetian Blind Design". List some recommendations (or good and bad sides) of using these design styles.

  2. Assume you have XML documents containing information about books and their prices, as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
                 <book category="reference">
                     <author>Nigel Rees</author>
                     <title>Sayings of the Century</title>
                 <book category="fiction">
                     <author>Evelyn Waugh</author>
                     <title>Sword of Honour</title>
                 <book category="fiction">
                     <author>Herman Melville</author>
                     <title>Moby Dick</title>

    Give SAX content handlers that output the average price of the fiction books in the document (category="fiction").

  3. Project, Part 3:

    Assume Company B wants to buy some products from Company A and sends a purchase order to Company A.

    P.S. You can find some general information about the application area on the web page: Web Services Architecture Usage Scenarios, Section 3.2 EDI-like purchasing.

Helena Ahonen-Myka
Last modified: Mon Feb 10 10:12:28 EET 2003