The Titokone user's manual


  1. Overview
  2. Installing Titokone
  3. What you can do with the Titokone
  4. The TTK-91 machine language
  5. Fine-tuning and extending the system
  6. Troubleshooting

1. Yleiskuva

Titokone is an assembler simulator, which is intended to show how symbolic assembly language is executed in a simple processor.

Basic view of the system
  1. Menus

  2. Code window

  3. Status

  4. Display

  5. Keyboard input

  6. Symbol table

  7. Registers


2 Installing Titokone

First part is about installing the Titokone. If you've already done that, then you can move directly to the Titokone functions.

2.1 Getting and installing Java

Titokone is a TTK-91 machine language simulator written in Java. To run Titokone, you need a Java virtual machine (minimum version 1.4.2) installed. You can download an implementation of the Java virtual machine at Follow their installation instructions.

It may be slightly difficult to find what you want at Sun's Java pages. To install just the virtual machine, look for "JRE", to install the development environment as well for making your own Java programs or for creating new translations for Titokone, look for "SDK". At the time of writing this, J2SE version 1.4.2, both SDK and JRE (the 2 is the platform number, version number is different) could be downloaded from

Note that on the University of Helsinki, CS department, Java SDK 1.4.2 or newer has been installed already, so you only need to install Java if you want to use Titokone at eg. your home machine.

2.2 Getting Titokone

You can get Titokone via the Tietokoneen toiminta (Computer Organization) course homepage, currently at You can choose between downloading the JAR package containing Titokone(titokone.jar) directly or downloading a ZIP file which contains the JAR file itself along with some instructions and helper programs.

2.3 Installing Titokone

Quick installation (Windows, Linux, etc)

For those who know how to manage JAR packages directly, fetching titokone.jar is sufficient. (JAR is a package format; if you have an up-to-date version of WinZip, you should be able to open them; in Linux, use the command 'jar' - see below.) No installation is required; you can run the jar file directly. For example, in Windows you must execute the command

java.exe -jar titokone.jar
in the directory where you stored the titokone.jar package. In Linux, you must execute the command

 java -jar titokone.jar 

to run the program. You must have Java installed and on your execution path.

Almost-as-quick installation in Windows

Download and unpack it to the target directory of your choosing. (The package creates a subdirectory called 'titokone'.) To run Titokone, go to the subdirectory and double-click on the titokone BAT (MS-DOS Batch) file. You can tell titokone.bat apart from the titokone.jar file by its icon; titokone.jar usually looks like something yellow in a screw bench, titokone.bat resembles a cog wheel inside a window frame., a script which starts the program in Linux, is probably an unknown filetype in Windows.

If BAT files have stopped working in Windows MEGAMILLIONSUPER (we have tested them up to Windows XP), you can probably still somehow run the command 'java.exe -jar C:\my\path\to\titokone\titokone.jar' via the Start menu. Replace C:\my\path\to\titokone with the actual path to the file.

Almost-as-quick installation in Linux

Download and unpack it (eg. gunzip to the target directory of your choosing. (The package creates a subdirectory called 'titokone'.) To run Titokone, open a terminal, change to the directory the zip file opened, and then the 'titokone' subdirectory, and run

java -jar titokone.jar

If typing is tiresome, the zip contains a startup script for your convenience. You can rename the file to something shorter, like tk. Then you just need to run ./tk (or ./ if you have not renamed it). The script does not change directories, so you must either keep it in the same directory as titokone.jar or edit it.

Opening the jar (mostly interesting for developers only)

If you wish, you can open the jar by running the following command:

  in Windows: It is probably easiest to open the file using WinZip or
              something similar.
  in Linux: jar -xvf titokone.jar

The jar package contains the source code and class files, among other things. If you modify the files, eg. to add a new language file (see the included manual on how to do this), you should note that the class files are a part of a Java package (three packages, to be exact).

To start the modified program, change to the package root directory (where the 'fi' subdirectory is located) and run the command:

  in Windows: java.exe 
  in Linux: java

Javadoc of the classes is included in javadoc/. To compile files (needed for eg. adding new language support), you need Java SDK, JRE is not sufficient.

3. What you can do with the Titokone

Picture of the Open button

3.1 Opening a TTK-91 program

Picture illustrating how to select File --> Open from the menu.

Opening a new file is done by pressing the Open toolbutton or by choosing File --> Open from the menu. You will then see a file dialog. New file can be also opened using the shortcut key CTRL+O.

Picture of the file dialog for illustration

The file dialog shows the files in the currently chosen directory, according to the chosen type. The file types to show are determined according to their file extensions: k91 stands for a source file, b91 for a binary file.

  • When opening a file with a k91 extension, you will see the source code view on the screen. The source code myst be compiled before it can be run.

  • When opening a file with a b91 extension, you will see the running view on the screen. The binary file is already in machine language format, so it can be run immediately without recompilation.

3.2 Editing the source code

The source code can be edited in Titokone as follows:

We recommend editing the source code in a separate program, however. There have been problems with the result getting stored in some other, recently opened k91 file. See our troubleshooting section on this.
Picture of the compile button

3.3 Compiling a TTK-91 program

Picture illustrating how to select File --> Compile from the menu

Compilation happens in two phases in Titokone: first a syntax check is done and the symbol table is created. On the second round, the object code is formed. Compilation is started by clicking on the Compile button or by choosing File --> Compile from the menu. Compilation is done according to the compilation settings, either stopping every time a comment appears or all through without pauses. Compiling can be started also using shortcut key CTRL-K.

Functions during compilation
Picture of forward-button

Continue a step onwards: the compilation progressing a row at a time can be continued by pressing this button or the enter key after each step, which advances until the next event occurs.

Picture of Fast forward button

Continue to the end: The compilation can be run through without pauses. This will not change the row-wise compilation setting, it only overrides it for this compilation.

Picture of stop-button

Stop: The compilation can be aborted by pressing the stop button. The view will remain as it was until the Continue button is also pressed.

Compilation event types

Compilation event types refer to the compiler's reactions to the contents of the source code. A line is commented and/or stopped on according to the compiling options.

First round:

Second round:

Finishing the compilation:

3.4 Compiling options

An illustration on how to select Options --> Set compiling
  options from the menu

The compiling options cam be changed by choosing Options --> Set compiling options from the menu.

The compiling options dialog

The compiling options affect how the compilation behaves and how it is commented.

  • If 'Pause whenever a comment occurs' is selected, the compilation will proceed stepwise. The compiler will stop to wait for the user to eg. press the "Continue" button.
  • If 'Show extra comments while compiling' is selected, there will be comments shown of the progress of the compilation in the comment window.
  • The option changes will become effective once the Apply button is pressed. You can cancel the changes by pressing Close instead, or just close the window after pressing Apply first and Close then.

3.5 Loading a TTK-91 program

A TTK-91 program is loaded automatically when

Picture of the Run button

3.6 Running a TTK-91 program

An illustration on how to select File --> Run from the menu After compiling a k91 file or opening a b91 file, the program is loaded into memory and is ready for running. In the running view, the code window is divided in two, the code and data area. You should note that in reality, the memory of the Titokone is one large area; dividing it to two parts visually is a usability choice. To start running the program, press the Run toolbutton or choose File --> Run from the menu. The running will follow according to the running options, either pausing or running all the way through, with or without animation. Running can be also started using the shortcut key CTRL-B.

Actions during running
Picture of the Continue button

Continue a step onwards: if the run is progressing a row at a time, it can be continued by pressing the Continue button or the enter key after each step, which advances to the next row (command).

Picture of the Continue to the end button

Continue to the end: The run can be finished without pauses. This will not affect the row-wise running setting, it only overrides it for this run.

Picture of the stop-button

Stop: the run can be aborted by pressing the stop button. The view will remain as it was until the Continue button is also pressed.

3.7 Running options

An illustration on how to select Options --> Set running
  options from the menu

The running options can be modified by selecting Options --> Set running options from the menu.

The running options dialog

The running options are almost the same as the compiling options; an option to animate the command is added.

  • The program code is run a row at a time if "Execute code line by line" is selected
  • Additional comments are shown in the comment window(8) if "Show extra comments while executing" is selected
  • The animation window will be opened for the run if "Show animation while executing" is selected
  • When the animation is turned on, line by line execution is automatically turned on.
  • The changes will come to effect once the "apply" button is pressed.

You can also change the running options directly from toolbuttons:

Executing line-by-line on / off

Turning the line by line execution on or off.

Extra comments on / off

Turning the extra comments on or off.

Animating on / off

Turning the animation window show on or off.

3.8 Animation

Picture of the animation window
  • Animator shows how machine language is executed in the processor.
  • At the top of the screen is the symbolic form of the command shown after machine language form of the command has been processed in the IR.
  • At the bottom are shown comments concerning the current phase of execution..
  • Red ball on the bus animates both the control and data flow.
  • SVC-commands are not animated.
  • When reading from the device, MAR shows the whole command, not the memory address; this differs little bit from real machines.

3.9 Selecting the STDIN and STDOUT files

Selecting the STDIN and STDOUT files
  • Default STDIN and STDOUT are files 'stdin' ja 'stdout' in the user's working directory.
  • Default files can be defined from the menu Options --> Configure file system.
  • It is possible to define files in the source code using fake command def.
  • More information about defining default files you can found from settings files.

3.10 Erasing the memory

An illustration on how to select File --> Erase memory from the

The titokone memory can be emptied by selecting File --> Erase memory from the menu. Besides erasing the memory, it can in practice be used to empty the source code view. If the memory is emptied during compilation or running, the action will be aborted and the opening view, with registers, symbol table and code view have been emptied. Memory can be erased using the shortcut key CTRL-E.

Unless the memory is erased or its size is changed, the remnants of old programs can be seen in the memory. The symbolic representations of those lines are hidden for clarity. If a program does not store something in a register or a memory slot before reading from there, the result may well be something different from 0.

3.11 Changing the memory size

Change memory size -menu

You can change the Titokone memory size by selecting Options --> Set memory size from the menu. There are 8 different memory sizes, from 512 to 65536 rows. When the new memory size is set, the code view is emptied and the and the opening view is shown.

For a memory size larger than 32768 lines, the end lines have addresses larger than the constant part of a command can hold (its maximum value is 32768). This means that the lines cannot be referenced directly from a single line of code, but you can use other methods, like the following bit addressing 32768+500 illustrates:

   LOAD R1, =32768 ; Load the maximum constant into a register
   LOAD R2, 500(R1) ; Load the contents of the line 32768+500 to R2.

You can also give the value in an EQU or a DC, as they have a higher maximum value. The registers are all 32-bit, like the memory slots, even if the constant (or address) part of a command only fits 16 bits.

3.12 Changing the user interface language

Language settings -menu

You can change the language settings from the Titokone user interface. Select the language from the menu Options --> Set language. The languages included by default are Finnish and English. You can change the language on the run, nearly independent of other things going on in the user interface. If the user has defined her own language file, she can either choose it from the list or locate it in a separate file. Languages correctly added to the language settings file are shown in the 'Set language' menu. You can choose another language file by clicking on 'Select from a file...'. If the language file is of the correct form, the language is immediately changed. If a certain text's translation equivalent is missing from the language file, the default language (English) is used at its stead. For more information on adding a new language, see Adding support for a new language

4. The TTK-91 machine language

4.1 A summary of the TTK-91 commands

|  Operation code  ¦  Rj ¦ M ¦  Ri ¦      address part ADDR          |
|  8 bits          ¦  3  ¦ 2 ¦  3  ¦         16 bits                 |
31               24 23           16 15                               0

In the symbolic machine language, the commands are of the form


where  OPER    the symbolic name of the command
       Rj      the first operand (register R0..R7)
       M       addressing mode:
               =   immediate operand
                   direct addressing (empty, ie. not marked)
               @   indirect addressing
       ADDR    address part (memory address or constant value)
       Ri      possible index register (register R0..R7)        

If some part of a command has no meaning, it can be left out. It is possible to add a label (symbolic address) in front of a command. The label should consist of the letters A-Ö, 0-9 and _, and contain at least one non-numerical character. Only the first 8 characters are considered.

Almost all commands have the following forms available:

   OPER Rj,ADDR        direct memory addressing
   OPER Rj,=ADDR       immediate operand
   OPER Rj,@ADDR       indirect memory addressing
   OPER Rj,ADDR(Ri)    indexed addressing
   OPER Rj,=ADDR(Ri)   indexed immediate operand
   OPER Rj,@ADDR(Ri)   indexed indirect memory addressing      
   OPER Rj,Ri          direct register addressing

There are exceptions:

    STORE           The latter operand is always the target address;
                    it cannot be a register or a constant value.
    POP             The latter operand must always be a register.   
    JUMP COMMANDS   The latter operand is always the target address;
                    it cannot be a constant. In the jump commands which
                    look at the state register, the first operand is  
    NOP             The operands are ignored.  

4.2 The symbolic commands of the TTK-91 machine language

Data transfer commands:

LOAD   Stores the value of the latter operand to the register Rj.
STORE  Stores the integer in Rj as the value of the latter operand.    
IN     Reads an integer from the device given as the latter operand 
       into the register Rj (eg. IN R1,=KBD to read from the keyboard).
OUT    Outputs the integer in the register Rj to the device given as 
       the latter operand (eg. OUT R1,=CRT to print to screen).

Arithmetic and logical commands:

The result of the calculation is stored in register Rj.

ADD    Adds the value of the latter operand to the integer in the
       register Rj.
SUB    Substracts the value of the latter operand from the integer in 
       the register Rj.
MUL    Multiplies the integer in the register Rj with the value of the
       latter operand.
DIV    Divides the integer in the register Rj with the value of the 
       latter operand, and stores the whole part in Rj.
MOD    Modulo divides the integer in the register Rj with the value of
       the latter operand, and stores the remainder in Rj.
AND    Boolean logic 'and' between Rj and the value of the latter operand.
OR     Boolean logic 'or' between Rj and the value of the latter operand.
XOR    Boolean logic 'exclusive or' between Rj and the value of the
       latter operand.
SHL    Shifts the bits of the register Rj left, with the number of
       shifts given by the value of the latter operand. Fills the
       right end with 0 bits.
SHR    Shifts the bits on the register Rj right, otherwise like SHL.
SHRA   Performs an arithmetic right shift; as in SHR, but fills the
       left end with copies of the leftmost bit, thus keeping negative
       numbers negative.

COMP   Compares the first operand with the second operand and stores
       the result in the status register SR's bits L=less, E=equal,
       G=greater. See eg. JLES.

Forking commands:

JUMP   An unconditional jump to the target address expressed by the
       second operand.

JNEG   Jump if negative. If Rj < 0, jumps to the address given as the
       second operand, otherwise continues with the next command.
JZER   Jump if zero,      ie. if Rj = 0
JPOS   Jump if positive,      if Rj > 0
JNNEG  Jump if not negative,  if Rj >= 0
JNZER  Jump if not zero,      if Rj <> 0
JNPOS  Jump if not positive,  if Rj <= 0

JLES   Jump if less - if the status register SR has its L bit set,
       jumps to the address given as the second operand, otherwise
       continues from the next command. Used together with the COMP 
JEQU   Jump if equal,      ie. if E bit is set in SR
JGRE   Jump if greater,        if G bit is set in SR
JNLES  Jump if not less,       if E or G bit is set in SR
JNEQU  Jump if not equal       if L or G bit is set in SR 
JNGRE  Jump if not greater     if L or E bit is set in SR

Stack commands:

The first operand of the command, the register Rj, points to the top of the stack, ie. the topmost item in it. Usually, the register SP (which is also R6) is used as the stack pointer.

PUSH   Increases the stack pointer Rj's value by one and stores the latter
       operand as the topmost item in the stack.

POP    Removes the topmost item in the stack and stores it as the  
       register Ri (the latter operand is always a register). Substracts
       one from the stack pointer Rj.           

PUSHR  Pushes the registers R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 (SP) to the 
       stack, in this order. Before pushing each register, increases the
       stack pointer Rj's value by one.

POPR   Pops values to the registers R6 (SP), R5, R4, R3, R2, R1 and
       R0, in this order, from the stack. For each pop, first fetches
       the value from the top of the stack indicated by the register  
       Rj, and then substracts one from Rj.

Subroutine commands:

CALL   Call procedure. Moves the control (by manipulating the program 
       counter) to the address given by the latter operand. Stores the
       return address to the stack, with its top indicated by Rj.
EXIT   Returns from a procedure to the command following its call. The
       return address is found from the stack, the top of which Rj
       points to. The latter operand indicates the number of parameters
       passed to the subroutine in the call.

System calls:

SVC    Supervisor call. Calls a service routine in the operating system.
       The first operand is Rj, indicating the top of the stack, the 
       latter operand gives the number identifying the service.
       Supervisor calls are special subroutine calls to predefined 
       procedures. Their code is invisible to the user, and is considered
       to be stored "outside" the memory space.

       Service identifiers:

       HALT : Stops the execution of the program.
       TIME : Gives the time of day. The stack should contain the 
              addresses to store the hour, minute and second values.
              Note their order!
       DATE : Gives the date. The stack should contain the addresses 
              to store the year, month and day values. Note their order!
       READ : Reads an integer from the keyboard. The stack should 
              contain the address to store the integer to.
       WRITE: Prints an integer to the screen. The stack should
              contain the value to print.


NOP    No operation. This command does nothing.

4.3 The operation codes of the TTK-91 commands

   Command   Binary     Decimal  Hexadecimal   

   NOP       0000 0000     0        00            

   STORE     0000 0001     1        01
   LOAD      0000 0010     2        02
   IN        0000 0011     3        03
   OUT       0000 0100     4        04

   ADD       0001 0001    17        11
   SUB       0001 0010    18        12
   MUL       0001 0011    19        13
   DIV       0001 0100    20        14
   MOD       0001 0101    21        15

   AND       0001 0110    22        16
   OR        0001 0111    23        17
   XOR       0001 1000    24        18
   SHL       0001 1001    25        19
   SHR       0001 1010    26        1A
   SHRA      0001 1011    27        1B

   COMP      0001 1111    31        1F

   JUMP      0010 0000    32        20
   JNEG      0010 0001    33        21
   JZER      0010 0010    34        22
   JPOS      0010 0011    35        23
   JNNEG     0010 0100    36        24
   JNZER     0010 0101    37        25
   JNPOS     0010 0110    38        26

   JLES      0010 0111    39        27
   JEQU      0010 1000    40        28
   JGRE      0010 1001    41        29
   JNLES     0010 1010    42        2A
   JNEQU     0010 1011    43        2B
   JNGRE     0010 1100    44        2C

   CALL      0011 0001    49        31
   EXIT      0011 0010    50        32
   PUSH      0011 0011    51        33
   POP       0011 0100    52        34
   PUSHR     0011 0101    53        35
   POPR      0011 0110    54        36

   SVC       0111 0000   112        70

4.4 Predefined symbols of the TTK-91 machine

These symbols can be used without explicitly defining them in a TTK-91 program.

Symbol          Value
CRT             0
KBD             1
STDIN           6
STDOUT          7
HALT            11
READ            12
WRITE           13
TIME            14
DATE            15

4.5 Instructions to the compiler (fake commands)

The compiler instructions direct the program translating the symbolic machine language to binary. They are NOT actual symbolic commands.

name EQU value

The alias command EQU defines a symbolic name for an integer value. The symbol name can be used in the ADDR field of a command, in which case it will be handled as 'value' written in its stead would be.

name DC value

The memory allocation command DC (data constant) allocates one word of memory for a constant, aliases 'name' with the constant's memory address and stores 'value' in the allocated address in the memory. 'Name' can then be used in a command's ADDR field as a memory address.

name DS size

The memory allocation command DS (data segment) allocates an area of memory, sized 'size' words. It aliases 'name' with the start address of the memory area. 'Name' can then be used in a command's ADDR field as a memory address. This instruction is used for allocating space for global variables.

option DEF string

This special instruction changes options for simulating the file system of a TTK-91 machine. 'String' should be an absolute directory path.


  STDIN DEF /home/myuser/ttk91/stdin
  STDOUT DEF C:\mydir\stdout

Available options are:

  STDIN   To set which file stdin data is read from.
  STODUT  To set which file stdout data is written to.
  HOME    To set the user's home directory for this application;
          unused in Titokone as the home directory is requested from
          the underlying operating system via the Java virtual machine.

The default files for the two first options are stdin and stdout in the user's current working directory.

If this summary of the Titokone commands was not sufficient for your thirst of knowledge, you can find more information about the subject from the course homepage of Computer organization.

5. Fine-tuning and extending the system

5.1 Settings files

When the user changes the settings, Titokone stores the changes in the user's home directory, in a file called titokone.cfg. The settings file is overwritten after every change in the settings.

If Titokone has been opened from its jar package, the system default settings can be found in the file fi/hu/cs/titokone/etc/settings.cfg. The file contents are as follows:

   # Default settings. Running mode: commented (+1), one row at a time (+2),
   # but not animated (+4) compilation mode: commented (+1) but not
   # one happening at a time (+2). Stdin and stdout file paths given are
   # relative to the current working directory. 'Stdout use' describes that
   # the file should be used in append mode ('append') instead of
   # overwriting ('overwrite') it for every new run. Memory size is 2^9 =
   # 512 lines.
   Language = English
   Running mode = 3
   Compilation mode = 1
   Stdin file = stdin
   Stdin path = relative
   Stdout file = stdout
   Stdout path = relative
   Stdout use = append
   Memory size = 9

Changing the settings file by hand is not usually necessary. On the other hand, the STDIN and STDOUT file paths are always stored in the file as absolute paths, when they have been selected from the Titokone user interface. If you wish to express the path in relation to the working directory, you can do so by setting "Stdin path" or "Stdout path" values to 'relative', like they are above.

In addition, also inside the jar package in fi/hu/cs/titokone/etc/, there is the language settings file languages.cfg. This file contains a list of the language files which have been added to be a part of the system. They are listed in the language choosing file based on the language's name given here. The language files themselves are located in the fi/hu/cs/titokone/resources/ directory. They are called Translations_xx.class and are part of the package The language file consists of pairs of the form "the name of the language in the menu" = "xx". The value "xx" should be a two-letter identifier for the language (it is passed to the constructor of java.util.Locale). The contents of the default language settings file are:

   Suomi = fi
   English = en

5.2 Adding support for a new language

Adding a new natural language support to Titokone is done by giving translated equivalents to the words and phrases in the default language, which is English. A new Java file is written and compiled for the new language, and it is opened via the Titokone user interface. Writing a new language file is simplest done by using an existing translation file as an example. First open a text editor on your machine and fetch eg. the file from the directory fi/hu/cs/titokone/resources (included in the titokone.jar package). You will see a class which uses the Java ResourceBundle utilities and consists of a two-dimensional Object array and a method which returns it. The lines in the array look as follows:

   { "Fetch second operand from memory slot {0}.", "Nouda jälkimmäinen operandi muistipaikasta {0}."},
   { "Indirect memory addressing mode.", "Epäsuora muistiosoitus."},
   { "1: Fetch indexing value from memory slot {0}.", "1: Nouda indeksointiarvo muistipaikasta {0}."}, 

Each line consists of a pair of quote-delimited strings inside {}-brackets; the first string is the default language's key value and the second its translation equivalent. You translate the original string by replacing the latter (here Finnish) text. Usually you can determine the meaning of the sentence somehow from itself. To help translators with the more vague phrases, we have pointed out in comments which class file the translation refers to. If it turns out to be difficult to determine the meaning of a translateable string, you can find the context from the source code of the class, which may eg. help determine the meaning of the variable ({i}) placed in the translation.

In the example translations below, there is a special sequence of characters, '{0}'. It will be replaced with a variable, which is attached to the message passing up to the user interface. In the example, the {0} will be replaced with the number of the memory slot. The translation does not have to place the variable in the same place as the original string; you can move the '{0}' around in the sentence. For example:

{ "Fetch second operand from memory slot {0}.", "Nouda jälkimmäinen operandi muistipaikasta {0}."},
{ "Fetch second operand from memory slot {0}.", "Muistipaikasta {0} noudetaan jälkimmäinen operandi."},

A new language file is created as follows:

  1. Open
  2. Save the file by a name you most prefer, but keep the .java ending.
  3. Write the translation equivalents over the Finnish texts.
  4. Place the variables {0}...{n} in sensible positions in the sentence
  5. Remove line 4 from the file, which says 'package;'.
  6. Change the class name to correspond with the filename you stored the file as.
  7. Compile the file, eg. by using the javac command
  8. Start Titokone
  9. Change the language

You can also add the new language as a permanent part of the system, which relieves you from needing to find the translation file again every time. In point 2, store the file in the directory fi/hu/cs/titokone/resources with the other translation files. Change the class's name, on the line

public class Translations_fi {

to be Translations_xx according to your translated language ('xx'), and store it in a file called Replace 'xx' with the ISO-code of your target language (those versions of ISO 639 that Java's Locale supports). For example, if you translated the program into Norwegian, the code would be 'no', and the corresponding code for German would be 'de'. Do not remove (like point 4 advices) the package definition line; it is needed for this.

When your translation is finished and it has a compiled .class file, install it by editing the language setup file fi/hu/cs/titokone/etc/languages.cfg and add a line containing "what the language should be called in the menu" = "xx", where you again replace xx with your language code. For example, "Deutsch = de". See also 5.1, Settings files. Now, once you start Titokone the next time, the new language will be included as an option in the menu.

6. Troubleshooting

  1. The terminal window shows weird error messages
  2. STDIN file cannot be read, but I didn't even try
  3. The compiler won't emphasize the faulty line
  4. Self-changing code doesn't work?
  5. How can I change my source after a failed compilation?
  6. An overwritten source code file?
  7. Invalid opcode equ?
  8. Animation and row-wise execution oddity
  9. Where are SP and FP in the animator?
  10. The register R0 is giving just 0
  11. I have another problem...

I see odd Java error messages in the terminal I started Titokone from. The program itself does not seem to mind, though. What is going on?
The programs are mainly caused by the wrong positioning of the Moon. A partial reason are problems with synchronization, which we might have avoided if we had paid more attention on the Concurrent systems course. Some of the errors are caused by probable bugs (or very odd features) of Swing, a graphics library in Java, which we cannot fix. Sorry about those, just ignore the messages for now.

I get an error message about not being able to read the STDIN file, even though the program I just loaded doesn't even try to read it. What's wrong?
Titokone is just notifying you in advance, that if you try to read the STDIN device with a TTK-91 program, the read will fail unless something is done about this. There is a specification of the error message given by the Java I/O system in the end of the error message. If your application should need the STDIN device, fix what is wrong with reading the file and reload the application. See also 3.5, Loading a TTK-91 program.

My program had an incorrect line of code; I tried to use a variable which was undefined. The error message showed up right, but the line is not emphasised correctly. What's up?
In the second phase, when object code is generated, the line containing the error is not emphasized if it is the first line. Sorry about the bug.

I made a wonderful program, which contains self-modifying code. The first time I ran the program, the changed code remains on the code area. This isn't how the real machines work, is it?
Unfortunately Titokone 1.0 has a bug, which causes the code area to not be redrawn during the reload of the application after a finished run. This means that self-changed code is shown wrong, even though it is loaded correctly on the processor.

The compilation ended in an error on the first round, but I cannot edit the code! The row that caused the error remains selected.
After an error, Titokone shows the situation which lead into the error. When you press the 'continue' button or the enter key, you will move from compilation mode back to the source code view, in which you can edit the code.

I opened several source code files in Titokone, modified a few of them and now one of the files is overwritten by another! Am I just paranoid?
No, you are not imagining it. It is caused by a nasty bug, which we did not manage to locate in Titokone version 1.0. You can avoid the problem by editing the files in other programs (larger edits must be done elsewhere in any case), or by not opening multiple files with Titokone. We are very sorry about the problem. You can show this part of the manual to your excercise checker if he will not believe you when you tell him that "Titokone ate my homework!" (This explanation, however, probably only works once.)

I am getting the compilation error "invalid opcode dc" (or ds or equ) when I use - correctly, as far as I see - "variable dc 333333333333333".
When the latter number is large enough, the compiler fails to notice a valid dc command with a too large number (the maximum number for DC is 2^31-1, or 2147483647), but it tries to interpret the command in the form "label command parameters", which causes the odd error message. Clarifying the message is on the list of improvements to make for the second version of Titokone.

When I turn on the animation setting, the row-wise execution setting is turned on too. I can't turn off row-wise execution without stopping the animation as well. What's wrong?
To make following the animation easier and to ease synchronization problems, we decided to conduct the animation one command ("row") at a time. This means that row-wise execution is always required to be on together with animation.

The register R0 doesn't work? I loaded 14 into R0, now I am trying to read it, but all I get is zero. Is this caused by the 2's complement?
According to the TTK-91 specification, the register R0 has a special meaning. When it occurs as a second parameter, 0 is always returned, even if the register itself contains something else. We are sorry for the possible confusion.

The animation window has no SP or FP!
The SP register is also known as R6, and FP as R7. They are included the animation window by this name; this can be adjusted from the translation if necessary.

Further problems or ideas?
If the problem you have observed was not described here, please notify eg. a lecturer of the Computer organization (Tietokoneen toiminta) course, and ask them to pass the message on. Bug reports are also welcome.