Typos, comments, and corrections for computer project 2 25.04.11 Exercise1 ----------- Q3: With "data" I mean the whitened data. Exercise2 ----------- In Eq (2), it should be \tilde{y}_m in the denominator Q5, first sentence: Instead of "from the observations of \y and \s alone", it should be "from the observations of \y alone". (You apply ICA on y only) Exercise3 ----------- Note: The file is quite big. So loading may take a while. In R, an efficient way to load the file is X<-matrix(scan("mixed_images.txt",n=6*90000),6,90000,byrow="TRUE") In matlab, "load mixed_images.txt" does the job. Q3, step (d) of the algorithm: instead of "(1-tanh(y_i))^2" it should be "1-tanh(y_i)^2". Only tanh is squared not 1-tanh. Q3, step (h) : instead of "If the change in F is smaller than some small threshold go back to step (c). Else return B and all the values of F" it should be: "If the change in F is smaller than some small threshold, return B and all the values of F. Else, go back to step (c)" You stop if the objective does not increase any more.