Dessy: A Desktop Search Framework for Mobile Devices In the near future, mobile devices are expected to have a storage capacity comparable to today's desktop machines. As the amount of information grows, conventional search tools become less effective. To meet these challenges, we turn to desktop search. I present Dessy, a desktop search framework for small devices and desktop computers. It allows a user to find files by their content, metadata, and context information, provides an interface for locating files for both users and applications, and allows finding files with just their metadata available. Custom metadata “tags” as found in other desktop search software can be added to files with Dessy. The framework supports separate synchronization of file metadata and data. Dessy uses the Syxaw file synchronizer. Synchronization of select file groups such as search results, subdirectory trees, or the whole file system is possible. Dessy is unique among desktop search software in that it clearly separates extraction, exchange, and querying of search metadata. In particular, metadata extraction may be performed on one device and querying on another, with only search metadata being exchanged between the devices. The metadata is exchanged in a simple plaintext format well suited for network protocols. Dessy emphasizes extensibility: adding new indexed file types, metadata fields, and metadata storage methods is easy. This enables a small device to use simple metadata storage while exchanging metadata in a common format with a desktop machine that uses a full-fledged database to store metadata. Finding files is done with virtual directories, that look like a file path and represent queries to Dessy. Reading a virtual directory shows the files found by the queries represented by the path of the virtual directory. The virtual directories can be browsed by regular file managers through an NFS interface on desktop machines, and using an API on small devices that do not support NFS. To better match queries to metadata words, all indexed words and queries are stemmed. An implementation of the framework and a working prototype system are in development at the Helsinki Institute of Information Technology. The presentation includes a demonstration of the prototype.