-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##############################The#####Loch######Ness#######Monster###################################### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nessie protection plan drawn up A government agency has drawn up a contingency plan to cope with the possibility of the Loch Ness Monster being caught. The Scottish Natural Heritage instructions form part of a code of practice for research projects on the Highland loch aimed at protecting allexisting wildlife and the local environment. A government agency has drawn up a contingency plan to cope with the possibility of the Loch Ness Monster being caught. The Scottish Natural Heritage instructions form part of a code of practice for research projects on the Highland loch aimed at protecting allexisting wildlife and the local environment. A government agency has drawn up a contingency plan to cope with the possibility of the Loch Ness Monster being caught. The Scottish Natural Heritage instructions form part of a code of practice for research projects on the Highland loch aimed at protecting allexisting wildlife and the local ---------------------------------------------------- Lihavoitu teksti Sivu: 1. Myös sivulla 1. a. List item 1. b. List item 2. c. List item 3. aaa AAA bbb BBB ccc CCC See Chapter 1 for details. See File for details.