XQuery Server Pages

using XQuery in Web Applications

XQuest "Milestone 1" release

1. Overview
2. Environment
3. Serialized and XSLT Output
4. API
5. Security

1. Overview

This chapter describes a mechanism that makes it possible to write web applications with XQuery as a page template language. This is somewhat similar to the JSP (Java Server Pages)

XML Query shows an interesting capacity to be used as a "Server Pages" technology, a template language for generating Web pages:

  • A XML Query expression evaluating as a document or an element is actually a template, that always generates a well-formed XML structure. XQuery is basically capable of generating XML documents: it has powerful instructions to construct, access and combine XML nodes.

  • XML Query mixes executable instructions and "tags" in a clean way: instructions and tags can be nested at any level with a consistent syntax. In fact, "tags" are not different than instructions. They are an integral part of the XML Query language (they are called "element constructors").

Hence using XQuery as a template language can be very interesting in web applications:

  • which directly manipulate XML fragments: this is typically the case when XQuery is used as the query and processing language of a native XML database / search engine.

  • Where the generation task is non-trivial:

    • Unlimited nesting of instructions and "tags" allow sophisticated yet clean coding.

    • Functions (returning elements) can be used as building-blocks or templates, at several levels.

    By contrast, with classical template languages it is hardly possible to go beyond simple and fixed template structures.

Example: the following figure shows a very simple example of a "XQuery Server Page". This snippet can be executed in a Java Servlet container, within the environment provided by XQuest. It displays the current date and time and the HTTP headers sent by the user-agent, i.e. the user's browser:

Figure 1. echo.xqsp


In this example, function calls embedded in element constructors are marked in blue. There are calls to standard functions (current-date and current-time) and calls to Java extension functions provided by the XQuest environment (request:getHeaderNames and request:getHeader).

2. Environment

The XQuery Server Pages implemented by XQuest provide the following features:

  • A generic servlet recognizes requests with .xqsp extension, is able to load and cache corresponding queries and to run them with the XQuery engine. The result is serialized and sent back as a HTTP response.

  • Access to the entire Java Servlet API through the Java extension mechanism available in XQuest.

  • Convenience functions to ease basic tasks (access HTTP request and response, manipulate attributes and beans in page/request/session/application, forward request to other pages etc...)

  • Serialization options can be specified through pragmas.

  • Optional XSLT post-processing of the evaluated query: provides another form of separation between processing and presentation.

In the example Web Application, this servlet (net.axyana.xquest.server.XQServlet) is configured to invoke XQuery Pages on HTTP requests which have a path ending with ".xqsp". This is achieved through a mapping in application descriptor web.xml:


It is generally possible to define a server-wide mapping from the .xqsp extension to the generic XQServlet: this is however a server-dependent issue. Refer to the documentation of your preferred Servlet Container.

The generic servlet compiles XQuery Pages as needed and caches them. If a page resource was modified, it is automatically reloaded. Similarly, the servlet can load and cache XSLT templates, optionally used as a post processing of XQuery output. The cache sizes can be defined in configuration file web.xml.

3. Serialized and XSLT Output

The well-formed tree generated by a XQuery page can be output in two different ways: direct serialization into text, or intermediate transformation with XSLT (in turn serialized by the XSLT processor).


Serialization options can be specified inside pages by a pragma put anywhere in the page: the name of the pragma must be x:serialize. The body of the pragma contains name= value pairs for serialization options, with the same semantics as the x:serialize function.

(::pragma x:serialization 
          method=XHTML media-type=text indent=no encoding=iso8859-1 ::)

It is not currently possible to specify such options dynamically.

Pipelining with XSLT transformations

The result of a XQuery Page evaluation can be passed to a XSLT1 stylesheet. This allows a kind of separation between presentation and logic. It can also be more convenient for formatting data extracted from databases.

This is also achieved by using a pragma. The name of the pragma must be x:transform.

A particular option is stylesheet: it specifies the path of a XSLT stylesheet resource.

Other options are passed as parameters of the stylesheet.

(::pragma x:transform
          stylesheet=shakespeare.xsl param1=value1 param2=value2 ::)

4. API

All the HttpServlet API is accessible through the Java extension mechanism. To make programming in XQuery easier, three namespace prefixes are predefined:

xqsp:gives access to a few convenience functions (described below), for example xqsp:headerNames(), xqsp:forward(path), xqsp:use-bean(...).
request: gives access to the interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
response:gives access to the interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse

It means that all methods of these interfaces HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse are accessible in XQuery. For example request:get-parameter(name), or equivalently request:getParameter(name) maps the Java method HttpServletRequest.getParameter(String name).

Notice that it is not necessary to pass the request object itself (this is done implicitly). However the request and response objects can be accessed through variables $xqsp:request and $xqsp:response.

An example using several methods of interfaces HttpServletRequest and HttpSession. Notice that method names are written in the two possible styles: normal (aka camelCase) or in lowercase with dashes:

Figure 2. A more comprehensive excerpt of echo.xqsp

A more comprehensive excerpt of echo.xqsp

Convenience functions (prototypes are given in XQuery style, prefix is always xqsp:):

function xqsp:getResourceAsString($name as xs:string) as xs:string?

Loads a text file as a string: the file must be a resource of the current web application context.

Parameter $name : path of a resource of the current web application context. Must begin with a slash.

function xqsp:forward($path as xs:string) as xs:boolean

Forwards the request to another page on the server. The path must begin with the "/" and be relative to the application context.

function xqsp:parameterNames() as xs:string*

Returns a sequence of HTTP parameter names. This is simply a convenience wrapper: request:getParameterNames() is almost equivalent, but this function's type is xs:string*, which makes easier to use.

function xqsp:headerNames() as xs:string* function xqsp:initParameterNames() as xs:string*

similar wrappers for header names and init parameter names.

function xqsp:get-attribute($name as xs:string) as item()? function xqsp:set-attribute($name as xs:string, value as item()) function xqsp:remove-attribute($name as xs:string)

Manage attributes on the current page. Arbitrary objects can be associated as named attributes of the page.

function xqsp:use-bean( $name as xs:string, $classname as xs:string, $scope as xs:string) as item()?

This is similar to the use-bean functionality in JSP: an object can be instantiated from a Java class (if necessary) and associated as an attribute in a particular scope: the scope can be "page", "request" (attributes survive to a forward), "session" (attributes are valid along the same user session), "application" (attributes are shared by all users of the same web application).

Argument $classname must be the fully qualified name of a loadable class. If it does not exist yet, it is instantiated like a Java Bean.

function xqsp:get-attribute($name as xs:string, $scope as xs:string) as item()?

Retrieves an attribute i.e a bean) from a scope. Returns the empty sequence if not found (no instantiation performed).

5. Security

The Java binding feature, which allows calling of any Java method from inside a XQuery script, can represent a serious security hole in a server environment, at least if clients are allowed to execute arbitrary expressions. If they are not, no real issue exists here.

For this reason, the Java binding feature has a security mechanism, by which it is possible to specify selectively which Java classes may be used. In the Server pages environment, it is brought into operation in the following way:

  • By default, only Servlet-related classes are allowed: HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HttpSession.

  • To allow other classes, modify the web application descriptor web.xml: there is an initialization parameter called allowed-classes which specifies a list of fully-qualified class names, for example:

        <param-value> java.util.Vector java.util.Calendar </param-value>
        <description>Classes allowed for Java extension
            (comma or space-separated list of class names.) </description>