Re: X15 alpha release: as fast as TUX but in user space

Lincoln Dale (
Thu, 03 May 2001 09:19:53 +1000


At 10:50 AM 2/05/2001 +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
>i think Zach's phhttpd is an important milestone as well, it's the first
>userspace webserver that shows how to use event-based, sigio-based async
>networking IO and sendfile() under Linux. (I believe it had some
>performance problems related to sigio queue overflow, these issues might
>be solved in the latest kernels.) The zerocopy enhancements should help
>phhttpd as well.

my experience with sigio-based event-handlers is that the net-gain of
event-driven i/o is mitigated by the fact that SIGIO is based on signals.

the problem with signals for this purpose are:
(a) you go thru a syncronization point in the kernel. signals are protected
by a spinlock.
it doesn't scale with SMP.

explicitly, (b) means that you have an awful lot of memory-accesses going
on for every signal.
my experience with the overhead is that it mitigates the advantages when
you become bottlenecked on memory-bus-accesses.



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