Re: Minor numbers
Mon, 14 May 2001 18:53:05 +0200 (MET DST)

>>> 20:12 is more common

>> Which is major, which is minor?

> 20bit major

That is not more common. Around us we see major:minor splits
8:24, 12:20, 14:18. If we want to use NFSv3 and communicate
with all these systems we would do wise to use 32:32.

[Reminds me of a discussion that ended unfinished.
Stage 1: "64 bits? Never in hell!"
Answer 1: These 64 bits do not make the kernel slow.
Indeed, the kernel uses a 32-bit pointer.
Stage 2: "but I am on a holy crusade"
Answer 2: These bits are not about bloat but about the width of
the communication channel between user space and filesystem.
Stage 3: <silence so far>
Wonder whether Linus still objects. Let me cc him.]

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