2.4.7-ac9 drivers/scsci/Makefile cpqfc

Keith Owens (kaos@ocs.com.au)
Wed, 08 Aug 2001 23:24:46 +1000

This chunk of code in 2.4.7-ac9 drivers/scsi/Makefile makes no sense.

#if we have a triggerable HBA (extra circuit addition for
#TTL level output on GPIO line), build in the trigger file

#CPQTRIGGER_FILE = cpqfcTStrigger.c

CPQTRIG = cpqfcTStrigger.o

cpqfcTStrigger.o: cpqfcTStrigger.c

cpqfcTSinit.o: cpqfcTSinit.c cpqfcTSstructs.h cpqfcTSchip.h cpqfcTSioctl.h

cpqfcTScontrol.o: cpqfcTScontrol.c cpqfcTSstructs.h cpqfcTSchip.h

cpqfcTSi2c.o: cpqfcTSi2c.c cpqfcTSchip.h

cpqfcTSworker.o: cpqfcTSworker.c cpqfcTSchip.h cpqfcTSstructs.h cpqfcTSioctl.h

cpqfc.o: cpqfcTSinit.o cpqfcTScontrol.o cpqfcTSi2c.o cpqfcTSworker.o $(CPQTRIG)
$(LD) -r -o cpqfc.o cpqfcTSinit.o cpqfcTScontrol.o \
cpqfcTSi2c.o cpqfcTSworker.o $(CPQTRIG)

Why are all the individual dependencies listed, make dep does it
automatically. Why is cpqfc not coded like this?

list-multi += cpqfc.o
cpqfc-objs := cpqfcTSinit.o cpqfcTScontrol.o cpqfcTSi2c.o cpqfcTSworker.o cpqfcTStrigger.o
cpqfc.o: $(cpqfc-objs)
$(LD) -r -o $@ $(cpqfc-objs)

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