Re: [PATCH] 2.5 PROPOSAL: Replacement for current /proc of shit.

Tim Jansen (
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 12:47:08 +0100

On Saturday 03 November 2001 00:31, you wrote:
> Hmm, I'd argue that a GUI tool would be fairly useless without knowing what
> the values meant anwyay, to give help, in which case you might as well know
> the types.

Take, as an example, the compression module parameter of the PWC (Philips
Webcam) driver. Currently you can specify a value between 0 for uncompressed
and 3 for high compression. If a GUI shows me that only values between 0 and
3 are allowed I could guess that I have to enter "3" for high compression
without searching for the documentation. It would be even better if I could
select four strings, "none", "low", "medium" and "high".

I do see the advantages of using strings in proc, and maybe there is another
solution: keep the type information out of the proc filesystem and save it
in a file similar to, together with a description for a file.
I just don't know how to ensure that they are in sync.

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