ftp welcome message in 2.4 ftp directory?

Clemens Schwaighofer (cs@pixelwings.com)
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:43:48 +0100


Wouldn't it be smart to but a welcome message into the FTP directory of the
2.4 kernel that gives hints what problems there are with the latest kernel
(loop problem in .14, etc ...) and what patches are there to apply for
fixing it.

I think this would help a lot of people who are not reading this mailing
list and would save the mailing list of a lot of repeating mails (think of
the loop problem).

I think this would be a good step forward.

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Nutzen von Leuten, die sich kennen, aber nicht massakrieren"
- Paul Valéry (1871-1945)
mfg, Clemens Schwaighofer                       PIXELWINGS Medien GMBH
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