Unresponiveness of 2.4.16 revisited

Nathan G. Grennan (ngrennan@okcforum.org)
28 Nov 2001 00:19:03 -0600

Well I tried your patch Andrew. It seemed to have absolutely no effect
on my problem. I used the am-response.patch someone posted the url to
eariler in the first thread, which was just a file of your patch. I
really suggest you try a mozilla source rpm. Not only does it do the
unarchiving, but also patches and rm -rf. I often see a second pause
during the patching after the unarchving. I use

rpm --rebuild mozilla-2001112602_trunk-0_rh7.src.rpm

I also tried Redhat's latest rawhide kernel, 2.4.16-0.1 and it had to
had time same problem. So it isn't fixed by one of their patchs. It is
most likely just a difference between Linus's 2.4.9 and 2.4.16.

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