Re: Small security bug with misconfigured access rights

Jordan Russell (
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:03:20 -0600

Giuliano Pochini wrote:
> Well, I don't know if it is really a bug.
> Create a directory like this:
> # ls -la
> total 12
> drwxr-sr-x 2 pochini root 4096 Nov 28 16:33 .
> drwxr-xr-x 32 pochini users 8192 Nov 28 16:25 ..
> Sgid bit is set and the directory is owned by me and the
> group is root (yes, it shouldn't be).
> When I create a file here, it gets the root group even
> if I don't belong to it.

That's the correct behavior. Quoting "man mount":

grpid or bsdgroups / nogrpid or sysvgroups
These options define what group id a newly created file
gets. When
grpid is set, it takes the group id of the directory in
which it is
created; otherwise (the default) it takes the fsgid of the
current pro-
cess, unless the directory has the setgid bit set, in
which case it
takes the gid from the parent directory, and also gets the
setgid bit
set if it is a directory itself.

Jordan Russell

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