Re: Coding style - a non-issue

Horst von Brand (
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 22:39:08 -0300

Larry McVoy <> said:


> Doesn't it strike you the least bit strange that when I challenge Linus to
> bow out because he asserts that he isn't needed, this is just some grand
> experiment in genetics which is working fine, he says everything would be
> fine if he left but he isn't going to because he's having fun?

Hummm... Linux works because there is a harsh evaluation of patches that
try to make it into the stock kernel. There Linus _is_ needed, if nothing
else as a final authority almost everybody respects.

If he enjoys what he is doing, why shouldn't he go on doing it? If he seems
to be doing it right, irrespective of whatever reason (right or terribly
wrong) he gives for it?

> Isn't that
> just a tad convenient? It's a crock of crap too. Linus has excellent taste,
> better than any OS guy I've run into in 20 years, and if he bowed out a ton
> of crap would make it into the kernel that doesn't now. Genetic mutation
> my ass.

Accept patches and ideas from all over the place, coupled with evaluation
of said patches and suggestions which weeds out the bad ones before
integration, others when they show wanting after integration is a form of
evolution. No overall direction, no grand design a la OS/360, just design
(sort of) in rather limited areas at a time. Not 100% Darwinian evolution,
with some taints of "acquired traits are inherited", and some (limited)
sense of direction, and also cross movement of traits form others (be it
BSD, or different kernel lines).

> If you want an experiment in evolution, then let *everything* into
> the kernel. That's how evolution works, it tries everything, it doesn't
> prescreen. Go read Darwin, go think, there isn't any screening going on,
> evolution *is* the screening.

Why does the screening have to be at the level of full organisms? It
_looks_ that way because you don't see the busted sperm or broken eggs, or
the stillborn embryos which make up the "preliminary checks show it won't
work" in nature. The process is (hopefully) much more efficient here than
in nature, and visible, that is all.

Horst von Brand                   
Casilla 9G, Vin~a del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616
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