Re: [ingo patch] 2.4.17 benchmarks

Ryan Cumming (
Sun, 6 Jan 2002 02:17:30 -0800

On January 5, 2002 21:50, wrote:
> 2) further i seperately ran ./lat_proc fork; ./lat_proc exec; ./lat_proc
> shell many times on the vanilla and patched kernels. their output is also
> attached in one file [lat_proc.txt]. the patched kernel takes
> MORE time than the vanilla one......

I'd blame this partially on the reverted fork() execution order bit of his
patch. The child process really should be executed first, and performance is
much improved in that case (COW and things). I don't think we should worry
about breaking obviously incorrect (and already fragile) programs for 2.5.x.

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