Re: RFC: booleans and the kernel

Kai Henningsen (
27 Jan 2002 13:27:00 +0200 (J.A. Magallon) wrote on 26.01.02 in <>:

> On 20020125 Alexander Viro wrote:
> >
> >Seriously, learn C. The fact that you don't understand it is _your_
> >problem - l-k is not a place to teach you the langauge.
> >
> Please, stop with that thing of 'learn C'. C can have bad design points.
> It is not perfect. Deal with it, but do not make it a god.

He's not making it a god. He's saying that if you wish to discuss its
design, you first have to learn what that design *is*.

Though personally, I think the problem is less that Tim has problems
understanding C, but that he couldn't construct a reasonable argument if
his life depended on it. In this discussion, he's consistently come up
with code snippets that illustrated different problems than the text he
wrote to go with them, and then gone all upset when his meaning wasn't
crystal clear to everyone and everyone didn't applaud him.

MfG Kai
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