Re: Wanted: Volunteer to code a Patchbot

Rasmus Andersen (
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 16:28:51 +0100

On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 04:11:05PM +0100, Rasmus Andersen wrote:
> If I understand correctly, the bot would, in its basic incarnation,
> accept patches (at patchbot@somewhere), stamp them with an uid,
> and forward them to various places, e.g., lists, maintainers etc
> and let the sumbitter know the patch uid. A mailing list archive
> would then be the patch store. Basic filtering could be done by
> the bot to reject non-patches etc.

Somehow, I totally forgot the security disclaimer for some of
the points. Obviously, mindlessly patching a makefile and
executing it would be a Bad Idea. If no satisfying solution
to this can be found, this (execute/compile) step could be

Thanks to Tommy Faasen for raising this point.

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