Re: Short question regarding generic_make_request()

Steffen Persvold (
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 13:01:12 +0100

Ingo Molnar wrote:
> this shows some sort of wakeup or softirq handling irregularity. A number
> of softirq latency bugs were fixed, i'd suggest to try this with any
> recent kernel (or recent errata kernel rpms).

I just testet the latest RedHat errata kernel (2.4.9-21) and it performs badly with a kernel thread.
Is there a simple patch out there that fixes this problem on a 2.4.9 kernel (I guess it's only
related to the network stack) so that I can send it to RedHat's bugzilla system ?


  Steffen Persvold   | Scalable Linux Systems |   Try out the world's best |  | performing MPI implementation:
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