2.4.18-pre8 + 2.4.17-pre8-ac3 + rmap12c + XFS Results

Shawn Starr (spstarr@sh0n.net)
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 02:17:28 -0500 (EST)

I'm happy to say that rmap12c has huge preformance improvements over
rmap11c with my Pentium 200Mhz w/64MB ram.

Some of the differences:

rmap11c: slow redrawing of mozilla, mouse hangs, system sluggishness.

rmap12c: no slow redrawing UNLESS heavy I/O & swapping is occuring. System
is able to handle heavy heavy memory usage (mozilla + evolution +
blowup-xfs - fsx-linux.c to test XFS's stability with VM).

Also, XFS so far is preforming without file corruption that I can see.

a patch will be available for this shortly on my website for those who
want XFS + rmap12c.


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