Re: Unknown HZ value! (1908) Assume 1024.

Andreas Schwab (
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 11:47:30 +0100

Tom Holroyd <> writes:

|> So what is the 4th value in /proc/stat (procps calls it "other", while
|> the first 3 are "user", "nice", and "sys")? According to
|> linux/fs/proc/proc_misc.c, it is:
|> jif * smp_num_cpus - (user + nice + system)
|> formatted with a %lu (the others are just %u). smp_num_cpus is 1.
|> Things are declared this way:
|> unsigned long jif = jiffies;
|> unsigned int sum = 0, user = 0, nice = 0, system = 0;
|> So, the problem is that user + nice + system overflows (I'm compiling
|> with gcc 3.0, BTW).
|> Thanks for the clue; now, how to fix it?

Changing the line to this:

jif * smp_num_cpus - user - nice - system

should avoid the overflow.


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs,
SuSE GmbH, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, D-90429 Nürnberg
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