Re: Disgusted with kbuild developers

Pavel Machek (
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 09:04:17 +0100


> Alan, don't talk to me about "proof of concept". Tell me about a
> production-quality system, proven in use by people like Embedsys,
> Webmachines, and the Compache project. Tell me you can duplicate what

What are you trying to say? New configuration system needs to be
tested by big company before you want to hear about it?

"I do not care what kernel developers say, they are all stupid, but my
stuff is used by Embedsys, Webmachines and Compache, so it must be
good and you are all stupid."

No wonder Linus ignores you.

(about SSSCA) "I don't say this lightly.  However, I really think that the U.S.
no longer is classifiable as a democracy, but rather as a plutocracy." --hpa
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