Re: linux kernel config converter

Roman Zippel (
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 16:33:03 +0100 (CET)


On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, David Lang wrote:

As Jeff already correctly said, I only have a converter that takes the
cml1 data and just outputs it into something different.

> 1. does this handle the cross directory dependancies?

The tool records all dependencies independent of the directory.

> 2. does it handle the 'I want this feature, turn on everything I need for
> it'?
> 3. if it handles #2 what does it do if you turn off that feature again
> (CML2 turns off anything it turned on to support that feature, assuming
> nothing else needs it)

If you know the dependencies, it's not really difficult to implement this
as far as it's possible.

bye, Roman

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