Re: BK Kernel Hacking HOWTO

Jeff Garzik (
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:31:09 -0500

Jeff Garzik wrote:
> 3) Include a summary and "diffstat -p1" of each changeset that will be
> downloaded, when Linus issues a "bk pull". The author auto-generates
> these summaries using "bk push -nl <parent> 2>&1", to obtain a listing
> of all the pending-to-send changesets, and their commit messages.

Two notes I wanted to get out before the rewrite:

1) The preferred format is likely to be a -single- diffstat followed by
a changeset, and

2) "bk changes -L <local-linus-repository>" is the preferred way to get
a listing of changesets not yet sent to Linus, not "bk push -nl"

A script should be appearing in the very near future, which generates
the desired for-Linus changeset format automatically. In the medium
term future and beyond, BK itself will hopefully generate the text.


Jeff Garzik      | XXX FREE! secure AFSPC AK-47 unclassified CDC
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