Re: [RFC] Arch option to touch newly allocated pages

Pavel Machek (
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 23:21:50 +0100


> > You say 'at once'. Does UML somehow give pages back to the host when they're
> > freed, so the pages that are no longer used by UML can be discarded by the
> > host instead of getting swapped?
> Doesn't seem to but it looks like madvise might be enough to make that
> happen. That BTW is an issue for more than UML - it has a bearing on
> running lots of Linux instances on any supervisor/virtualising system
> like S/390

I just imagined hardware which supports freeing memory -- just do not
refresh it any more to conserve power ;-))).

Granted, it would probably only make sense in big chunks, like 2MB or
so... It might make sense for a PDA...

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