[ANNOUNCE] Kernel 2.4.18-mcp3-WOLK

Marc-Christian Petersen (mcp@linux-systeme.de)
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 14:46:19 +0100

Kernel - patched - mcp3-WOLK - Base: Linux kernel 2.4.18

by Marc-Christian Petersen <mcp@linux-systeme.de>

Some words, this is my first public release. I think its ready to use for others.

Thanks to darix <darix@irssi.de> for the project name WOLK :-)

What is this? Why another patchset/patched kernel?

Using Linux since years, very tired of there are not really good patchsets available. Saw FOLK Patch/Kernel which is very very buggy. Inspired by the jp-Patchsets from Joerg Prante <joerg@infolinux.de>.

The -mcp-WOLK kernels are development kernels for testing purpose only.
!! If you want to use it in production, use it at your own risk !!
Their purpose is to provide a service for developers and end-users who can't be up to date with the latest kernels/patches but want to test many features out there linux can use. Maybe, (hopefully) some of them will be included into the mainstream kernel 2.4 soon.
There will always be a new WOLK if there is a new final kernel released.

You are missing a patch? Patches will be added by request.
You think one or more of the patches are fully useless? Tell me why.
You have minor, major or heavy mega problems, let me know. I will try to fix.
You think this is great? Let me know too :-)

Unfortunately you must use the whole kernel with the patches applied, cause at the moment i don't have time to make a patchset to the Vanilla Kernel from kernel.org. If i have more time, i will do so! I think i will do so for the next 2.4.19-mcp4-WOLK release.

I think i made some people happy, cause this patched kernel includes some very nice features, and, of course, for the end-WIN-(L)users Win4Lin3 Support. Don't hit me for that ;)

The -mcp3-WOLK kernel contains: (over 70 Patches)


security fix x86
A security hole was recently found in both the 2.2 and 2.4 trees of linux kernels. The hole is x86 processor specific, and allows an attacker to kill processes he doesn't own. This is not a hole in grsecurity, but in all linux kernels.

grsec 1.9.4 REAL Final
really great security patch
Brad Spengler / Michael Dalton
(Included is gradm 1.2.1, find it under tools/)

Use Windows under Linux with Win4Lin (commercial)

preempt + stuff
full preempting kernel tasks for low latency
Robert Love

EMU10k1 (SBLive etc.)
These are updates to the in-kernel driver for the emu10k1
Robert Love

crypto + loop jari
international cryptographic API patch
Herbert Valerio Riedel et.al.

Boot time ioremap
Implements a version of ioremap() which is functional at the very
early stages of the i386 boot sequence.
Mikael Pettersson

Early DMI Scan
Moves the i386 DMI scan to an earlier point in the boot sequence, so that
the DMI data can be used to guide hardware detection and initialisation.
Mikael Pettersson

Adds DMI scan rules and apic.c workarounds for broken BIOSen, which is needed to avoid hard lockups on some machines in certain configurations. The machines currently handled by this patch are: Dell Inspiron and Latitude, IBMT hinkpad T20, Intel AL440LX, and Microstar 6163.
Mikael Pettersson


IDE enhancements 
Andre Hedrick

Software RAID enhancements -------------------------- patch set to manage multiple RAID devices (span chunks, MD partitioning) Neil Brown http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~neilb/patches/linux-stable/

loop crypto device/twofish -------------------------- from older version of the international crypto patch

JFS 1.0.15 ---------- IBM journal file system Steve Best et.al http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/oss/jfs/

freeswan 1.95 ------------- free IPsec implementation John Gilmore et.al. http://www.freeswan.org

freeswan x.509 patch -------------------- Andreas Steffen et.al http://www.strongsec.com/freeswan/

Tekram DC395 Patch ------------------ Kurt Garloff http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/dc395/ ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/garloff/linux/dc395/

HTB Scheduling -------------- Martin Devera http://luxik.cdi.cz/~devik/qos/htb/

NWFS (Netware FileSystem) ------------------------- J. Merkey http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/jmerkey/nwfs/

IPVS (Linux Virtual Server) --------------------------- http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/deployment.html http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/ (Included tools to use IPVS, find it under tools/)

NFS Patches ----------- Trond Myklebust http://www.fys.uio.no/~trondmy/src/2.4.18/

VFAT Symlinks Patch ------------------- Make Windows .lnk files look like real symlinks Jan Pazdziora http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/linux/vfat-symlink/

Load Kill Patch --------------- Kill process with excessive load http://www.cssc-inc.com/loadkill-0.1.patch

Filesystem in Userspace Patch ----------------------------- http://sourceforge.net/projects/avf

XFS + KDB (cvs snapshot 04. March 2002) --------------------------------------- High performance journaling filesystem SGI / Stephen Lord et al ftp://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfs/download/patches/2.4.18

Adaptec SCSI Driver Updates --------------------------- http://people.freebsd.org/~gibbs/linux/

i2c 2.6.2 --------- Hardware monitoring Alexander Larsson et.al. http://www.netroedge.com/~lm78/

lm_sensors 2.6.2 ---------------- Hardware monitoring Alexander Larsson et.al. http://www.netroedge.com/~lm78/

badMEM ------- If you want to use it, you must first configure the badmem tools located at the tools directory included in this package http://badmem.sourceforge.net/

Enterprise Event Logging System ------------------------------- http://evlog.sourceforge.net/

Kernel Panic Message Dumper --------------------------- http://www-miaif.lip6.fr/willy/linux-patches/

accessfs -------- http://home.t-online.de/home/olaf.dietsche/linux/

ACPI ---- http://sourceforge.net/projects/acpi/

timepeg ------- Andrew Morton http://www.zipworld.com.au/~akpm/linux/ext3/

Compressed Cache ---------------- http://linuxcompressed.sourceforge.net/

Extended ptrace --------------- http://www.elis.rug.ac.be/~fcorneli/

bttv ---- http://bytesex.org/bttv/

TIOCGDEV -------- new ioctl to return the console mapping Kurt Garloff http://banyan.dlut.edu.cn/news/121600/0116.html

And some other small patches ... Have a look yourself in the included applied_patches directory. ( I love Open Source :-)

Credits go to all the people who created the patches, working hard on improving the quality.

Installation ------------ * get the WOLK Kernel from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcp-wolk/ * untar the kernel source you've downloaded to your favourite place on your harddisk. I suggest you untar it in /usr/src You will get a directory named linux-2.4.18-mcp3-WOLK * I have included my .config File, change it to your needs with: make {config|menuconfig} * compile and install the kernel, compile/install modules * Have a look at the tools/ directory included in this package.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to send me feedback. Please CC, I am not subscribed to the lkml. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The next WOLK Kernel will be available some days after the 2.4.19 final kernel release.

Todo for the next releases: --------------------------- - Mosix/OpenMosix (why the hell they are so slow to release new patches. Hurry up !! - FTPFS (does not work now, just very old, but usefull) - OpenAFS - OpenGFS - ALSA


Marc-Christian Petersen <mcp@linux-systeme.de> Unix/Linux Administrator Essen, Germany

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