[PATCH] RPM build target fixes

Alexander Hoogerhuis (alexh@ihatent.com)
09 Mar 2002 22:03:36 +0100


Attached is a patch to make life easier for building RPMs from the

Basically it adds:

* .spec files are named with version included
* a .spec file is placed in %_topdir/SPECS on sucessful build so you
can do a rpm -bb kernel-x.y.z.spec to recreate the packages.
* a tarball with current source and config is placed in
%_topdir/SOURCE after a sucessful build, and also contains a .spec
file so anyone can do a rpm -ta tarball.tar.gz.
* a source RPM is left in %_topdir/SRPMS after a successful build.
* a binary RPM is left in %_topdir/RPMS/%_arch for easy install.

Created against 2.4.19-pre2-ac3, but should apply cleanly to any
2.4.18 or better.

Content-Type: text/x-patch
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Description: Quick hack for RPM build target

--- linux-2.4-clean/Makefile Sat Mar 9 21:53:28 2002
+++ linux-2.4-ac/Makefile Sat Mar 9 20:42:56 2002
@@ -522,7 +522,13 @@
# If you do a make spec before packing the tarball you can rpm -ta it
- . scripts/mkspec >kernel.spec
+ RPMDIR=$(shell rpm --eval \%_topdir) ; \
+ [ -f $(TOPDIR)/kernel-*.spec ] && \
+ rm $(TOPDIR)/kernel-*.spec ; \
+ [ -f $$RPMDIR/SPECS/kernel-$(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL).*$(EXTRAVERSION).spec ] && \
+ . scripts/mkspec >$(TOPDIR)/kernel-$(KERNELRELEASE).spec ; \
+ . scripts/mkspec >$$RPMDIR/SPECS/kernel-$(KERNELRELEASE).spec ;

# Build a tar ball, generate an rpm from it and pack the result
@@ -533,12 +539,26 @@
rpm: clean spec
find . \( -size 0 -o -name .depend -o -name .hdepend \) -type f -print | xargs rm -f
- set -e; \
- cd $(TOPDIR)/.. ; \
- ln -sf $(TOPDIR) $(KERNELPATH) ; \
- tar -cvz --exclude CVS -f $(KERNELPATH).tar.gz $(KERNELPATH)/. ; \
- rm $(KERNELPATH) ; \
- cd $(TOPDIR) ; \
- . scripts/mkversion > .version ; \
- rpm -ta $(TOPDIR)/../$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz ; \
- rm $(TOPDIR)/../$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz
+ RPMDIR=$(shell rpm --eval \%_topdir) ; \
+ . scripts/mkversion > .version.tmp ; \
+ mv .version.tmp .version ; \
+ ln -sf $(TOPDIR) $(KERNELPATH) ; \
+ tar -cz --exclude CVS -f $$RPMDIR/SOURCES/$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz $(KERNELPATH)/. ; \
+ rm $(KERNELPATH) ; \
+ rm $(TOPDIR)/kernel-$(KERNELRELEASE).spec ; \
+ cd $(TOPDIR) ; \
+ rpm -ba $$RPMDIR/SPECS/kernel-$(KERNELRELEASE).spec ; \
+ if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
+ RPMARCH=(shell rpm --eval \%_arch) ; \
+ [ -f $$RPMDIR/SPECS/kernel-$(KERNELRELEASE).spec ] && \
+ rm $$RPMDIR/SPECS/kernel-$(KERNELRELEASE).spec ; \
+ [ -f $$RPMDIR/SRPMS/$(KERNELPATH).src.rpm ] && \
+ rm $$RPMDIR/SRPMS/$(KERNELPATH).src.rpm ; \
+ [ -f $$RPMDIR/SOURCES/$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz ] && \
+ rm $$RPMDIR/SOURCES/$(KERNELPATH).tar.gz ; \
+ [ -d $$RPMDIR/BUILD/$(KERNELPATH) ] && \
+ fi ;



Alexander Hoogerhuis                               | alexh@ihatent.com
CCNP - CCDP - MCNE - CCSE                          | +47 908 21 485
"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."  --Scott McNealy

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