Re: [PATCH] preempt-kernel on 2.4.19-pre2-ac2 bugfix

Mike Fedyk (
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 15:35:03 -0800

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 11:26:43AM -0800, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> I'll test without preempt and see if it shows up again. It took a day
> before though, so...

I've been running without preempt for about 28hrs with a make -j5 compile
loop of a kernel tree running, and it looks like it'll do the same thing

Maybe it's from all of the forks as the only things that have been in use are:

mutt (left running, so scanning for new messages in several folders)
exim (receiving message for lkml, debian-(devel|user), etc
make -j loop

Mozilla is running, but I haven't been using it...

I'll change to single user mode in monday to check to see if the problem is
reproducable on non-preempt.

The only thing left would be the kernel or glibc (as init still keeps it
open so 'shutdown now' wouldn't free that).

How could I test to kill everything opening glibc and still be able to run a
command to read /proc/meminfo afterward?

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