smbfs and failed nls translations

Grover, Andrew (
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:17:28 -0800

[resending - fingers instinctually typed wrong lkml address last time]

<> (02/03/07 1.375.1.137)
[PATCH] smbfs nls oops fix

Fixes smbfs oopsing on failed nls translations and maps unknown
chars to
:#### strings. Also PATHLEN vs NAMELEN mixups.

Hi, apparently my smbfs mounts have had failed nls translations, but I
didn't know it -- never saw any warnings. So when I upgraded to 2.5.6 that
included this patch, the filenames on my samba mounts all turned into
"x00:x00..." etc. ;-)

Turning off CONFIG_SMB_NLS_DEFAULT produces a different, but still failing,

How can I get samba working again? What am I doing wrong? And, why is samba
so stingy with the error messages in this case?

Thanks -- Regards -- Andy

Andrew Grover
Intel Labs / Mobile Architecture

Andrew Grover
Intel Labs / Mobile Architecture

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