Re: Linux 2.4.19-pre3

J.A. Magallon (
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:47:42 +0100

On 2002.03.12 Karsten Weiss wrote:
>On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
>> Here goes -pre3, with the new IDE code. It has been stable enough time in
>I´m surprised that there are no descriptions for the following
>config options (after months of fights for inclusion of this
>Or did you simply forget to merge them?

This is the last version I grabbed fron the list:

diff -urN linux-2.4.17-pristine/Documentation/ linux-2.4.17/Documentation/
--- linux-2.4.17-pristine/Documentation/ Fri Dec 21 09:41:53 2001
+++ linux-2.4.17/Documentation/ Sat Jan 19 18:30:28 2002
@@ -723,6 +723,59 @@
say M here and read <file:Documentation/modules.txt>. The module
will be called ide-floppy.o.

+AWARD Bios Work-Around
+ Should you have a system w/ an AWARD Bios and your drives are larger
+ than 32GB and it will not boot, one is required to perform a few OEM
+ operations first. The option is called "STROKE" because it allows
+ one to "soft clip" the drive to work around a barrier limit. For
+ Maxtor drives it is called "jumpon.exe". Please search Maxtor's
+ web-site for "JUMPON.EXE". IBM has a similar tool at:
+ <>.
+ If you are unsure, say N here.
+Raw Access to Media
+ This is a direct raw access to the media. It is a complex but
+ elegant solution to test and validate the domain of the hardware and
+ perform below the driver data recover if needed. This is the most
+ basic form of media-forensics.
+ If you are unsure, say N here.
+Use Taskfile I/O
+ This is the "Jewel" of the patch. It will go away and become the new
+ driver core. Since all the chipsets/host side hardware deal w/ their
+ exceptions in "their local code" currently, adoption of a
+ standardized data-transport is the only logical solution.
+ Additionally we packetize the requests and gain rapid performance and
+ a reduction in system latency. Additionally by using a memory struct
+ for the commands we can redirect to a MMIO host hardware in the next
+ generation of controllers, specifically second generation Ultra133
+ and Serial ATA.
+ Since this is a major transition, it was deemed necessary to make the
+ driver paths buildable in separtate models. Therefore if using this
+ option fails for your arch then we need to address the needs for that
+ arch.
+ If you want to test this functionality, say Y here.
+Force DMA
+ This is an old piece of lost code from Linux 2.0 Kernels.
+ Generally say N here.
+DMA Only on Disks
+ This is used if you know your ATAPI Devices are going to fail DMA
+ Transfers.
+ Generally say N here.
SCSI emulation support
This will provide SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices,
@@ -747,6 +747,14 @@
If both this SCSI emulation and native ATAPI support are compiled
into the kernel, the native support will be used.

+Use the NOOP Elevator (WARNING)
+ If you are using a raid class top-level driver above the ATA/IDE core,
+ one may find a performance boost by preventing a merging and re-sorting
+ of the new requests.
+ If unsure, say N.
ISA-PNP EIDE support
If you have an ISA EIDE card that is PnP (Plug and Play) and

J.A. Magallon                           #  Let the source be with you...
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Cooker) for i586
Linux werewolf 2.4.19-pre3-jam1 #2 SMP Tue Mar 12 08:37:23 CET 2002 i686
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