Re: Event logging vs enhancing printk

Larry Kessler (
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 08:55:27 -0700

Michael Holzheu wrote...
> I think it would be important to have both options:
> feed printk messages into posix event logging (this does
> the current patch as far as I know)

The current patch forks the message to evlog inside the printk
function. This thread is proposing that the printk function be
wrapped inside a macro so you could easily capture
file/funcname/lineno of the calling function along with the
original printk message
(plus the other stuff stored in the evlog record header).

> AND feed events
> which are written with the new posix event APIs into the
> traditional syslogd logging.

This would be done in user-space, not in the kernel. This is on
our enhancements list for event logging.
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