Re: A CD with errors (scratches etc.) blocks the whole system while reading damadged files

Denis Vlasenko (
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 13:18:23 -0200

On 19 April 2002 18:01, Erik Andersen wrote:
> On Thu Apr 18, 2002 at 03:13:35PM +0200, Dr. Death wrote:
> > Problem:
> >
> > I use SuSE Linux 7.2 and when I create md5sums from damaged files on a
> > CD, the WHOLE system freezes or is ugly slow untill md5 has passed the
> > damaged part of the file !
> This should help somewhat. Currently, ide-cd.c retries ERROR_MAX
> (8) times when it sees an error. But ide.c is also retrying
> ERROR_MAX times when _it_ sees an error, and does a bus reset
> after evey 4 failures. So for each bad sector, you get 64
> retries (with typical timouts of 7 seconds each) plus 16 bus
> resets per bad sector.

And nobody knows how many tries is in hardware...
so we get 8x8x?? retries, and *this* is slow.

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