BUG: 2 NICs on same network

Frank Louwers (frank@openminds.be)
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 11:39:35 +0200


We recently stummed across a rather annoying bug when 2 nics are on
the same network.

Our situation is this: we have a server with 2 nics, each with a
different IP on the same network, connected to the same switch. Let's
assume eth0 has ip and eth1 has, with a both with a
netmask of

Now the strange thing is that traffic for arrives at eth0 no
matter what!

Even if we disconnect the cable for eth1, still replies to
pings, ssh, web, ...

We tested this on IA32 architecture, different 2.4.x kernels and
different nics ...

Is this a bug or a known issue? If it is not a bug, how can it be

Kind Regards,
Frank Louwers

Openminds bvba                www.openminds.be
Tweebruggenstraat 16  -  9000 Gent  -  Belgium
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