Mihai RUSU (
Mon, 20 May 2002 10:54:03 +0300 (EEST)


Sorry to bother you guys but I have been looking on the net for docs and
couldnt find any. I am working on a echo-request/echo-reply based
monitoring tool for Linux and while browsing the iptools sources from I noticed that the author does some magic (to me ;) ) with
a SO_TIMESTAMP value. I have been looking in the kernel sources for this
and it seems that 2.2.x doesnt have any SO_TIMESTAMP but 2.4.x have.

If someone would explain to me what it does and how can I use it for
accurate RTT values (or some URLs to the documentation about this).

Also the SIOCGSTAMP its not very well documented in the man pages, what
does this return exactly ? The timestamp of the last received packet by a
user process, any process, the running process ? :)


Mihai RUSU

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