Re: Asus a7m266d stability issues

André Bonin (
Tue, 21 May 2002 20:54:29 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Cox" <>
To: "Ion Badulescu" <>
Cc: "Nicholas L. D'Imperio" <>;
<>; "Alan Cox" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Asus a7m266d stability issues

> > I had this exact problem a few weeks ago with a dual Athlon 1U setup. It
> > turned out that the aluminum heatsinks I had previously used for the
> I have to admit given the heat coming off my dual athlon I'd have called
> 1U dual athlon "Ambitious"
> > 1.2GHz Athlons weren't good enough for the 1900+, and also that the
> > chassis fans were circulating enough air. Switching to copper heatsinks
> > got rid of 95% of the crashes, and adding a chassis fan got rid of the
> > remaining 5%.
> Given the power usage I'm seeing I'd second that

As an Asus A7M266-D user myself, I've never had any stability issues of this
sort. Though i'me runnign dual 1400+ with Volcano 6cu. The cpu's run at
about 45 degrees and i've never had any problems with stability. Though we
did have stability issues in the past with Mps 1.4, this seems to have been
fixed in 2.5.17.

André Bonin
Computer Engineering Technologist
Ottawa (Ontario)

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