Re: [OKS] O(1) scheduler in 2.4

J.A. Magallon (
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 01:44:32 +0200

On 2002.07.01 Tom Rini wrote:
>On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 01:52:54PM -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> What's the issue?
>a) We're at 2.4.19-rc1 right now. It would be horribly
>counterproductive to put O(1) in right now.

.20-pre1 would be a good start, but my hope is that this reserved for
the vm updates from -aa ;).

>b) 2.4 is the _stable_ tree. If every big change in 2.5 got back ported
>to 2.4, it'd be just like 2.5 :)

So you want to wait till 2.6.40 to be able to use a O1 scheduler on a
kernel that does not eat up your drives ? (say, next year by this same month...)

>c) I also suspect that it hasn't been as widley tested on !x86 as the
>stuff currently in 2.4. And again, 2.4 is the stable tree.

I know it is not a priority for 2.4, but say it wil never happen...

J.A. Magallon             \   Software is like sex: It's better when it's free  \                    -- Linus Torvalds, FSF T-shirt
Linux werewolf 2.4.19-rc1-jam1, Mandrake Linux 8.3 (Cooker) for i586
gcc (GCC) 3.1.1 (Mandrake Linux 8.3 3.1.1-0.7mdk)
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