Re: IDE, util-linux

Martin Dalecki (
Mon, 08 Jul 2002 20:59:57 +0200

Użytkownik napisał:
>>>recklessly booted 2.5.25. It survived for several hours,
>>>then deadlocked. Two filesystems turned out to be corrupted.
>>>Wouldn't mind if the rock solid 2.4 handling of HPT366
>>>was carefully copied to 2.5
>>Don't run vanilla 2.5.25, it has only IDE-93...
> Yes. Funny isn't it? Every few weeks the past two or three
> months I reported on the status of 2.5 on my hardware.
> Always the answer is: yes, we know, the current version is
> broken, wait for version N+1.

Actually somtimes it is: Please apply patch so and so...

> I hope you noticed the HPT366 part of my letter, and not
> only the deadlock part.
> Andries
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